
Nobody can remain indifferent to the scent of fragrant freshly baked bread. Impacting and delicate at the same time, with its unmistakable aroma the fragrance of bread is a pleasure that envelops the mind and the senses. It evokes the wheat fields, the smell of grass and nature, gives a good mood, and above all makes your mouth water.
Due to its high versatility, KAMUT® brand wheat flour is well suited for producing all kinds of bread and baked products from large scale production to small artisan bakeries. KAMUT® brand wheat flour can therefore be an excellent alternative to modern wheat-based doughs to create exceptional nutritious bakery products, with a unique taste, texture, and aromatic profile.
The KAMUT® brand is a guarantee of high quality and, in order to use it, authorized bakeries formally undertake to respect certain requirements as part of a system to ensure authenticity, purity, and guaranteed qualities from the field to the table. All licensed bakeries are easy to find in the listing on our website.

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