The Brand

The Brand
The KAMUT® trademark was created to protect and preserve the exceptional qualities of the ancient khorasan wheat for the benefit of all those who are interested in high quality, healthy food.
Today, the KAMUT® brand is a guarantee of receiving the unmodified, unhybridized ancient khorasan wheat, always organically grown, that meets high purity, quality, and nutrition standards. The KAMUT® brand program encompasses the entire chain from the farm fields to the final consumers, to ensure the standards of the KAMUT® brand are satisfied, and to guarantee receiving the authentic, pure, healthy, and delicious KAMUT® brand wheat.
“KAMUT”, meaning wheat in the ancient Egyptian language, was found in An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary by E. A. Wallis Budge, first published in London by John Murray in 1920. Since this was from a dead language and KAMUT was not a word in common use in other languages, it was possible to register it as a trademark.
As far as it is known, khorasan wheat had not been in commercial production in modern times and had been almost completely replaced because of modern breeding programs. These programs have produced bread wheat, durum wheat, and even spelt wheat, with higher yields that respond better to high input agriculture. These modern grains also have been bred to be more disease resistant and have better manufacturing characteristics. Meanwhile, KAMUT® brand wheat has survived without these modern alterations and is still packed with all the essential nutritional attributes that earned wheat the title “the staff of life.”
It is possible, that one could take khorasan wheat and manipulate it in an attempt to improve some of its agronomic shortcomings. Our philosophy has been to preserve the variety without these kinds of manipulations. Thus, the KAMUT® trademark is a guarantee that products contain the pure, unmodified, ancient khorasan wheat.
Any wheat sold under the KAMUT® trademark must follow the quality specifications of the KAMUT® brand. Consequently, anyone who wants to use the KAMUT® trademark must sign, free of charge, a license agreeing to follow these specifications. In this manner, consumers are guaranteed authenticity, purity, and quality when they see the KAMUT® trademark.
KAMUT® brand wheat shall:
1. Be the pure ancient khorasan variety of wheat
2. Be grown only as a certified organic grain
3. Have a protein range of 12% - 18%
4. Be 99% free of contaminating varieties of modern wheat
5. Be 98% free of all signs of disease
6. Contain minimum 400 ppb of selenium
7. Not be used in products that are named or marketed in a misleading or deceptive manner
We protect the meaningfulness of the KAMUT® trademark by ensuring its proper usage and the authenticity of products bearing it for the benefit of all that use and depend on it.

The Story

The Grain

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